Sunday, January 2, 2011


I just came across this wonderful Red Blessing for the New Year, and I just have to share it with you because it sums it all up perfectly for me. AND from the bottom and top of my soul - I wish this for you:

May health high-five your cells
May serenity slide down your spine
May pleasure punch your panties
and may you remember that it's all divine ( LOVE)
May trust meet your every corner
May beauty smooch your every curve
May life remind you that it is now or never........
and that we are all here to serve (LOVE)
May forgotten deities paint your eyelids
and giddy angels spank your ass
May your heart tell you to bring it on
and your soul declare its sass ( LOVE )
May fire claim your false
and courage nourish your true
May laughter pump your belly
and passion usher in your new (LOVE)
May authenticity suck your toes
and fear forget its name
May you unleash your RED HOT and Holy power
and may this planet never be the same

written by the awesome and inspirational......Sera Beak


  1. Hi Tammy, It's Nancy Stukey. Nice blog and glad to see that you are having a great time! The kids sure miss Jack at school, the boys and especially the girls :o).. I'm following you now on your blog. I have a blog and I'm listed under Urban Corner (my Etsy shop name). Hope you had a great Christmas and have a wonderful New Year! Be safe and Healthy :o)


  2. I am so in love with this, Oh My God!!! Tammy, this is awesome and I am writing it down right now!!!! Love you and look forward to actually chatting in person! When can we talk?


  3. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU!! I just want to let you know that look forward reading your blog EVERYDAY!! You are an AWESOME being and I love you!!!

